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Blog GTM

Navigating the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): How MyTower Can Help Your Company Stay Compliant

In an era where sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial, the European Union has introduced the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) to combat deforestation and promote sustainable supply chains. MyTower offers robust compliance solutions to help businesses meet these new regulatory requirements.

Blog GTM

Why automate customs classification?

Customs classification involves assigning a specific code to each product imported or exported by customs authorities, a process essential for identifying the type of goods and determining the applicable customs duties. However, customs classification tends to be tedious and prone to human error, which can lead to costly delays and risks of non-compliance. This is where the automation of customs classification comes in, a practice made possible by GTM (Global Trade Management) software, which offers numerous advantages.

Blog TMS

How a TMS can help reduce the carbon footprint

The global movement towards sustainability has shed light on the logistics and transportation sector, known for its significant carbon footprint. As a result, emphasis is placed on innovative solutions that can help industry players meet evolving ecological requirements. Among these solutions, Transport Management Systems (TMS) have proven their utility in reducing emissions by optimizing logistics processes.

Blog GTM

The EU's Free Trade Agreements: A Driver of Economic Growth and Resilience

The European Union (EU) is striving to enhance the competitiveness of its economy, and free trade agreements play a crucial role in enabling European companies to explore global business opportunities. This network of 42 preferential trade agreements offers significant benefits to European businesses, especially SMEs, by allowing them to trade and invest under more predictable, transparent, and flexible commercial conditions.

Blog GTM
March 21 2024

Abolition of Customs Duties in Switzerland - a Major Economic Advancement

March 21 2024

Since January 1st, 2024, the Swiss economic landscape has undergone a significant evolution with the abolition of customs duties on industrial products, a measure promising to streamline trade processes and boost competitiveness.Simultaneously, the complex Swiss customs tariff will be fundamentally revised and simplified.Enacted as part of an amendment to the Customs Tariff Act, these decisions stem from a meticulous analysis of the economic benefits and potential challenges.

Blog TMS
March 11 2024

The New CSRD Directive: A Historic Environmental and Social Turning Point

March 11 2024

For several years, the extra-financial communication modalities of large companies have been increasingly regulated. The latest directive contributing to this regulation in environmental and social areas is the new CSRD directive, and in this article, we cover the key elements to remember.

Blog TMS
March 03 2024

Maritime Transport Joins the EU ETS - What You Need to Know

March 03 2024

Since January 2024, the maritime transport sector has been subject to the terms of the EU ETS, resulting in numerous changes in the operation of European maritime freight to reduce emissions and finance the transition to a more sustainable world.

Blog GTM
December 05 2023

Unlocking Christmas Magic: The Gift of Duty Savings for Businesses

December 05 2023

In the spirit of the holiday season, where the magic of Christmas is often tied to the joy of giving, businesses can unwrap a different kind of gift by delving into the world of customs duty savings. Just like Santa carefully plans his route to deliver presents around the world, companies can strategically navigate customs regulations to maximize their return on investment.

Blog GTM
October 30 2023

Are you ready for CBAM?

October 30 2023

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an environmental policy instrument designed to support the European Union climate ambitions of achieving a net reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of at least 55% by 2030 and of reaching climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. CBAM is a groundbreaking regulatory instrument implemented by the European Union with global traction to address carbon leakage. 

Blog TMS

How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Logistics

L'empreinte carbone résultant des activités logistiques est une préoccupation majeure dans le contexte actuel de crise climatique. Pour les entreprises, il s’agit notamment de repenser tout ou partie de leurs pratiques. Quelles sont les diverses stratégies, ainsi que les outils efficaces pour réduire l'empreinte carbone de votre logistique ? Des logiciels de mesure à l'utilisation d'énergies à faible teneur en carbone, en passant par les méthodes d'offsetting et d'insetting, regardons les solutions qui marchent.

Blog GTM
July 28 2023

Time to Prepare Your 2024 Budget for securing Funding for Your Customs Digital Transformation

July 28 2023

In today's rapidly evolving global trade landscape, businesses are under increasing pressure to enhance their customs and trade compliance processes. The rising complexities of international regulations, the need for streamlined supply chain operations, and the push for greater efficiency have made it imperative for companies to embrace digital transformation. Global Trade Management (GTM) software has emerged as a key enabler in achieving these objectives. However, securing the necessary funding for your GTM digital transformation can be a challenging task. 

Blog TMS
June 29 2023

Unveiling the secrets of carbon footprint in the Supply Chain: regulatory standards, measurement, and scoping

June 29 2023

In an era where sustainability and environmental awareness are paramount, organizations worldwide are increasingly recognizing the importance of reducing their carbon footprint. The Supply Chain, representing 11% of CO2 emissions worldwide, holds immense potential for emission reduction and sustainability. Many shippers or freight forwarders have already committed to be carbon neutral by 2040 to 2050. This transformation will create new challenges and opportunities for companies. 

Blog GTM
May 30 2023

Quality In, Quality Out! Navigating trade compliance challenges through automation

May 30 2023

Companies appear to be facing a more complex international trade risk environment but often lack the tools, processes, and resources to manage emerging risks effectively. Despite numerous challenges preventing them from mitigating these customs risks effectively, companies navigate through interdependent crisis, fragmented legacy systems and error-prone manual operations challenging their supply chain resilience and weakening their competitiveness.

Blog TMS
April 13 2023

Benefits of using a TMS for logistics and Supply Chain management

April 13 2023

In the world of freight transport, the organization of logistics and supply chain management are key elements of success. To optimize these processes, many companies already use a technology, the transport management system or Transport System Management (TMS). Are you still hesitating about the relevance of using a TMS for logistics and your entire supply chain? These few advantages should convince you.

Blog TMS
February 14 2023

4 key benefits of a TMS for green transport

February 14 2023

While the climate emergency and the demand of certain consumers intersect to reduce the carbon footprint, how to be a responsible shipper? For this, the implementation of a Transport Management System (TMS) can effectively reduce the ecological impact of commercial enterprises. Here is how to make the most of this solution to make your offer more virtuous and begin your evolution towards green transport.

Blog GTM
January 18 2023

New Customs codes 2023: what you need to know

January 18 2023

Every year, the European Union updates its customs tariffs. Customs traders and freight forwarders use HS (Harmonized System) codes to clear all goods crossing international borders. In the European Union, these codes are defined by the Customs Tariff, also known as the EU Combined Nomenclature.

Blog GTM
November 21 2022

Customs classification: be careful that this does not happen to you!

November 21 2022

In 2021, C&A Serbia was the victim of major customs fraud involving 300 imports. As recently as the following September, Toyota was ultimately sentenced by the Supreme Court of Thailand to a very large fine for importing components not subject to a reduced tariff. These two events show that international trade and customs classification are of paramount importance to stay in good standing and work more calmly with foreign countries. Here's how to prevent this from happening to you.

Blog TMS
October 11 2022

The Green Supply Chain: an essential ambition

October 11 2022

While the climate emergency is forcing companies to review many aspects of their business, what about the Supply Chain? Given the importance of e-commerce in today's economy, it is essential to combine these two issues to achieve a responsible supply chain. The actors that are suppliers, shippers, carriers and partners must all find solutions to reduce their impact without reducing their growth. 

Blog TMS
September 13 2022

What is the difference between logistics and supply chain ?

September 13 2022

In the sector of trade and transport of goods, whether national or international, logistics and supply chain are two terms that are regularly used. This is mainly due to the rise of e-commerce. However, they are not synonyms. Both have specificities and serve specific but distinct purposes.

Blog GTM
September 06 2022

Trade Compliance challenges in the luxury industry

September 06 2022

In today’s globalized economies and markets, luxury goods are manufactured through very complex global supply chains involving numerous stakeholders ranging from small-scale, highly specialized suppliers closely controlled by large brand owners. For example, raw materials or very specific parts originate from one country and are processed in another before the assembly of the final product takes place in a third country - which the luxury brand owner further distributes to its customers worldwide. 

Blog TMS
August 30 2022

Improve your BtoB customer relationship with TMS

August 30 2022

As a Supply Chain manager, you are the last link in the chain before the end customer and therefore the guarantor of a successful experience. For this, you must put in place systems that contribute to satisfaction and loyalty. If in BtoC customers benefit from very detailed order tracking and a delivery horizon, this is not always the case in BtoB exchanges.

Blog GTM
August 23 2022

Control the VAT reverse charge for your imports with MyTower Global Trade Management

August 23 2022

Since the 1st of January 2022, the VAT reverse charge for imports is mandatory and automatic. The VAT reverse charge for imports makes it possible to simultaneously collect and deduct import VAT on your VAT return (monthly or quarterly CA3), without any advance payment.

Blog TMS
August 16 2022

Reduce your transport budget thanks to TMS

August 16 2022

Commercial companies, whatever their size, face constantly changing costs of transporting goods. Sea freight, air freight and road transport are directly subject to geopolitical events and the period we are living in does not fail to shake up the sector. Thus, when the price of fuels increases suddenly, the transport budget can also explode. 

Blog TMS
July 26 2022

How can a TMS help reduce your carbon footprint?

July 26 2022

The climate emergency is now forcing Supply Chain departments to focus on reducing their carbon footprint and to be part of their company's CSR approach. Is there an effective Green Supply Management that is not green washing? How can the implementation of a TMS solution bring concrete advantages in this area? Let’s try to see it more clearly and above all greener.

Blog GTM
August 09 2022

Control and reduce your customs duties with a global trade management solution

August 09 2022

Les réglementations internationales en matière d'exportation et d'importation évoluent constamment. L'actualité nous le rappelle tous les jours : du Brexit à la guerre commerciale transatlantique avec sa résurgence des barrières (non) tarifaires, en passant par les réformes anti-corruption de l'OCDE dans les transactions commerciales internationales et l'assaut des sanctions économiques internationales contre la Russie suite à son invasion de Ukraine.

Blog GTM
July 19 2022

Create a global trade transformation program

July 19 2022

Customs and trade compliance departments struggle to convince of the need to digitize their process. Organizations are overwhelmed and international regulations are increasingly complex. How to carry out its transformation in the right conditions while maintaining its compliance? Which tool should you choose to reduce your workload and optimize your time on high value-added tasks?

Blog TMS
May 02 2022

10 steps to Digitize your Supply Chain

May 02 2022

Digital is revolutionizing all business sectors. In a rapidly changing economic context, it offers companies a tremendous lever for performance and competitiveness to meet new challenges. The transformation must be both effective and value-creating, technologically adapted while meeting business needs.