
Management of Customs Brokers

Put under control and optimize your customs operations.


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Discover our customs broker management solution

Maximize the efficiency and performance of your customs activity with our robust solution.

Customs management is often a complex and little-known area within companies. As a result, it is rarely subject to improvement or operational optimization, despite its crucial role.

In today's environment of intense competition in international markets and risk of sanctions, it is imperative to proactively consider customs management and monitor it closely. Our solution offers the power and reliability necessary to enable you to effectively manage and analyze your customs activity, thus guaranteeing optimal performance.

Control of declarations from customs brokers

• Automated consistency check: presence of mandatory fields, format of inconsistent data.

• Analysis and rectification of exceptions: missing data, correction and monitoring of modifications.

  1. Incorporation of Declaration Data: Made easier for the Agent or Shipper.
  2. Automated Consistency Check by MyTower: Compliance with Mandatory Fields, Correct Formats, Elimination of Inconsistencies.
  3. Analysis and Rectification of Exceptions: Management of Missing Data, Correction and Traceability of Modifications.

The Customs Broker Management module helps our clients to:

Gain full visibility into cross-border transactions through centralization and compilation of broker reports

  • Value, taxes and duties
  • Commodity codes, origin and logistics information
  • Archiving of international trade documents

Measure and manage risks

  • Proof of export VAT exit - import VAT verification
  • Automated control of the consistency of declared data

Identify and quantify opportunities

  • FTA
  • Customs regimes

Content Consistency

This solution includes the possibility of making a comparison between the consolidated reports of your broker, and any other source of data that you would like to use (ex: ERP, administrative data).

The Customs Broker Management module can be coupled with the Trade Analytics module for in-depth analysis of customs data.

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