MyTower sponsors the Master Customs Administration (MCA) of the University of Münster

MyTower is sponsoring the online master’s program

MyTower is sponsoring the online master’s program “Customs, Taxation and International Trade Law” starting in October 2022. Its aim is to prepare Customs practitioners in the public and private sector for managerial and leadership roles. Graduates will gain the unique degree "Master of Customs Administration" (MCA).

The MCA program is offered by the University WWU Münster, one of Germany’s leading universities and the AWA Foreign Trade Academy, the largest private provider of Customs training in Germany. The program has been accredited in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and has also been officially recognized by the World Customs Organization (WCO) as complying with its PICARD standards for customs-related postgraduate courses.

The WWU is a founding member of the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU). This organization was founded under the auspices of the World Customs Organization to leverage capacity building activities, Customs research and Customs Professional Education.

Former MCA graduate and newly appointed President of the MCA Alumni Network, Delphine Neveux is also MyTower Vice-President of Global Trade Management (GTM) and guest lecturer at the WWU MCA program. She focuses on the implementation of a Global Trade & Customs Compliance Strategy that contributes to the commercial success and competitivity of companies. As a seasoned practitioner with 25+ years of industry experience, Delphine shares the practicalities of deploying GTM compliance programs as well as the challenges and opportunities of Group Customs Leadership.

For more information about the MCA program, click here to upload the brochure.

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